Zelda: Breath of the Wild's Shrines are small puzzle rooms that are scattered throughout the game's world.
Introduced at the start of the game as a means to unlock Runes - special abilities Link can use to manipulate objects to solve puzzles - they later reward Link with Spirit Orbs, which can be traded in for permanent Stamina and Heart Container upgrades.
While considered optional, visiting them will make your quest go much smoother, and are home to some of the best challenges in the game - so be sure to take the time to visit as many as you can.
If you're after help for the main game itself, then consult our Zelda: Breath of the Wild walkthrough and guide.
Shrine location maps for Zelda: Breath of the Wild
There are many Shrines throughout the game (120, to be exact) with every region containing a handful each. You can spot them from a distance by their characteristic red glow; not unlike the Towers that sprout up throughout the land, but closer to the ground.
Of course, some are harder to find than others, often appearing out of view or out of reach, and so accessing them can prove to be a puzzle within itself.

Once you have entered and completed its Trial, you will reward a Spirit Orb by their conclusion - used to trade for permanent Heart Containers and Stamina upgrades, which you can read about later in this article - as well as bonus Treasure, some of which is exclusive to that Shrine.
Below are maps for every region and their Shrine locations, as well as guides to Shrines we've found so far. Expect on-going updates to this as we continue to explore Hyrule's massive world.
Great Plateau region (4 Shrines)
Dueling Peaks region (9 Shrines)

Hateno region (7 Shrines)

Lanayru region (9 Shrines)

Faron region (8 Shrines)

Eldin and Death Mountain region (9 Shrines)

Woodland region (8 Shrines)

Ridgeland region (7 Shrines)

Tabantha region (6 Shrines)

Wasteland region (12 Shrines)

Lake region (6 Shrines)

Central region (8 Shrines)

Hebra region (13 Shrines)

Gerudo Highlands region (6 Shrines)

Akkala region (8 Shrines)

How to trade Spirit Orbs for Heart Containers
Although you can cook new recipes to give you temporary Heart Containers and Stamina boosts, only collecting Spirit Orbs can you permanently increase their gauges.
As you'll see when you complete The Isolated Plateau quest when visiting the Temple of Time, you can trade in Spirit Orbs for Heart Containers at statues throughout the world.

Some villages will have a statue you can pray at, such as Kakariko Village, so warp to your favourite and visit and you'll be given the option to upgrade either health or stamina.
Thankfully, the choice isn't permanent. There is a special statue at Hateno Village that can allow you to transfer your Hearts to Stamina, and vise versa, at a 20 Rupee cost.
This is particularly useful when it comes to collecting the Master Sword, which requires a certain number of Hearts, and so transferring your spare Stamina - even temporarily - over to your Heart gauge can come in useful.

You can also get a full Heart Container from completing each of the four Divine Beasts, so playing just the main quest will give you upgrades. But if you want to max out everything, then you need to dig into Shrines.
Thanks to a new update, it's now possible to play Zelda Breath of the Wild in VR. Want help with the main game? Our Zelda: Breath of the Wild walkthrough can help complete Divine Beasts Vah Ruta, Vah Rudiana, Vah Medoh and Vah Naboris and more. There's also how to get the Master Sword, Hylian Shield and all Zelda Captured Memories and Great Fairy Fountain locations, while our Shrines locations and Shrine maps hub explains where to find and solve every puzzle room, including dragon locations and Labyrinth solutions. We also have a DLC 1 guide and DLC 2 guide, including all Tingle, Majora's Mask, Phantom, Midna outfit locations.