Jacky Oh's death is propelling her business ... her cosmetics line is seeing a huge spike in sales, and we're told there's talk her young daughter could eventually take over the brand.
A rep for Jacky tells TMZ ... her beauty brand, J Nova Collection, is being flooded with orders in the wake of her shocking and sudden death ... and products are selling out.

We're told the company's received over 2,000 orders since Jacky died two weeks ago ... with lip liner, lip gloss, and eyelashes among the most popular products. At one point, we're told the website had to shut down due to the huge increase in traffic.
Jacky named the brand after her and DC Young Fly's first daughter, Nova, and we're told the plan is to keep the business running and possibly make Nova the face of the brand.
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We're told Jacky was super hands-on with the J Nova Collection, running it with her sister Megan, who serves as the brand's creative director ... and her family and friends are all pitching in to run the brand in the interim and get all the orders shipped out.

Nova's only 6 years old, so she's a long way off from taking over the business side of her mom's brand ... but we're told the family plans to sit down soon and figure out who will fill the leadership role moving forward.

Those decisions may be on the back burner ... it's only been two weeks since Jacky died.
Reps for the J Nova Collection tell TMZ ... "Super proud of the foundation Jacky has built for the business to operate and have great products ... We thank everyone for the continuous support as Nova's business continues to flourish with her mom watching over."
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